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WebP 101
Basiskennis over WebP
Functies van WebP
Geschiedenis van WebP
Meer informatie over WebP
Voordelen van WebP
Nadelen van WebP
Kwaliteit van WebP
Technologie voor WebP
Verlies- en verliesloze compressie van WebP
FAQs over WebP
Wat is WebP?
How to view WebP?
How can you convert a WebP image to an image in other formats?
Is there any free WebP converter you can use?
Technische FAQ's over WebP
What is an optimal quality value for WebP?
How can you upload a WebP image on websites?
What is the maximum resolution and color depth for WebP?
What should you remember when converting an image to a WebP image?

How to view WebP?

If you cannot view a WebP image on the web browser…

Most web browsers including Google Chrome allow you to view a WebP image, but there are still a few web browsers not compatible with the WebP format.

You cannot view a WebP image on Internet Explorer and the old version of Safari (iOS 13 or earlier) and Microsoft recommends you to use MS Edge instead of IE.

If you are using iOS 13 or earlier, update it with iOS 14 or later and you can view a WebP image on your iPhone too.

How can you view WebP?

Most major and recent web browsers allow you to view a WebP image.

If you are using Windows, you may use Honeyview. Honeyview is a free image viewer and allows you to view a WebP image too.

  Download Honeyview